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Do you sell direct to the public?No, we are strictly business to business only.
How can I become a wholesaler of your products?Becoming a wholesaler of our products is easy. Simply follow the link and fill in the Wholesale Registration Form. Once your form submission has been processed, we will be in contact with you.
Can I sell your products via online market places such as Amazon or ebay?No. As per our Terms & Conditions, we do not allow the sale of any of our products on any online market place. Please email us via for more information.
What do I do if I have an issue with my item?In the event that you have an issue or fault with one of the products we distribute, you will need to contact the retailer you purchased the product from and they will be able to assist you with the inquiry. We work with all of our stockists to provide the best possible customer service experience, so rest assured that we will work with them to resolve any issues that arise with your product.
What are your official social media accounts?Instagram: @coffeetoolsdist FaceBook: @coffeetoolsdist
How often should I clean my CoffeeSock filter?Rinse as soon after use as is convenient and hang to dry. Oil build-up will increase with ground contact time. To remove oil build up, we suggest boiling your filter every 6-8 weeks (or as is necessary) to remove any oil build up. Boil for 10 minutes in fresh water. Repeat if build up is heavy. Add a teaspoon of baking soda or distilled vinegar to the boil to freshen, as is necessary.
Can I wash my CoffeeSock filter in the washing machine?We don’t recommend it, as detergents will flavour your brew.
Can I use dish soap to clean my CoffeeSock filter?We don’t recommend using soaps because it will leave a soapy residue and end up affecting the flavour of your brew.
Are the CoffeeSocks bleached?No, the fabric is unbleached. CoffeeSocks are made of 100% organic cotton.
Is my filter compostable?Yes! You can add to your compost bin. Cutting filter into 1 inch pieces will hasten decomposition.
My CoffeeSock seems clogged, why is the flow so slow?This may be a result of a change in grind sizing. We recommend medium coarse to coarse grounds. Alternately, this may be due to oil build up. Over time your filter will begin to develop an oil build up. This can result in a slower flow. To remove oil build up we suggest boiling your filter every 6-8 weeks (or as is necessary). Boil for 10 minutes in fresh water. Repeat if build up is heavy. Add a teaspoon of baking soda or distilled vinegar to the boil to freshen, as is necessary.
How long will my CoffeeSock filter last?Your filter can last up to a year or more. We typically suggest replacing your filter after 9-12 months.
Does the CoffeeSock remove oils?CoffeeSock filters will remove more of the coffee oils than you would find in a French Press brew, but less than paper. This is based on observation and taste tests. Lab testing has not been done.
How do I clean my Loca filter after use?After every use, gently remove the used coffee grinds and rinse the filter with hot water until the water runs clear. We don't recommend using detergent or soap of any kind.
My Loca appears to be clogged. How do I fix this?For a deeper clean (after approximately after 10 x uses or if you notice your Loca is clogged, affecting the flow rate) you can boil your Loca in a pot of clean water on the stovetop, with 2tsp of baking soda/baking powder. Do this for approximately 10mins. Once cool enough to touch (your Loca will be incredibly hot after being boiled*), rinse with warm water to ensure all baking soda is removed. *caution- rapid cooling of your Loca may cause it to crack. Let it cool down naturally- don't put it in a fridge/freezer or straight under cold water.
What grind size do I use for my Loca?Loca recommends using a grind size as course as possible. The grinds should be the size of a pen tip.
Do I need to have the Loca Stand to be able to brew coffee with the Loca?The Loca Stand is a beautiful accompaniment to any Loca filter however, the Loca filters can be used without it.
Does the Picopresso heat up the water?No. In order to make your coffee, you will have to fill the chamber with boiling water.
Is the Picopresso dishwasher safe?No, but cleaning the Picopresso is fast and simple. Just carefully rinse the coffee basket and the shower head with running warm water and wipe with a humid cloth. After cleaning, let all the Picopresso parts dry separately.
Is the Picopresso microwave safe?No. The Picopresso is designed with stainless steel parts that are not microwave safe.
Does Picopresso have a warranty?The Picopresso comes with a 2 year (24 months) warranty for manufacturer defects, from the date of purchase. The Picopresso is a speciality coffee brewer and takes some practice to extract the perfect shot. Variables such as the beans used and the grind size will effect how the end espresso shot is extracted and tastes. Therefore, the warranty does not cover user error.
Does the pumping require a lot of force?At the max 18 bar pressure (261 psi) you will need to press the knob with a force equal to 13 kg (28.66 lbs). To easily apply that force, we recommend to hold Picopresso with two hands as instructed in the user guide.
The water is not pumping through the coffee grinds. What do I do?STOP PUMPING IMMEDIATELY.* If you find that the water is having difficulty getting through the ground coffee, it could mean that the coffee grinds are too fine. Ensure that your ground coffee is as recommended by Wacaco. Also, ensure that you are tamping correctly. As per the included instructions, tamping should be done with the dosing ring in place, as this helps to eliminate tamping too heavily. *Continuing to pump the Picopresso when the water is having difficulty passing through the coffee grinds may result in damage to the Picopresso unit. This kind of user error is not covered under warranty.
My Picopresso case is not zipping up properly. What do I do?If you find that the case that came with your Picopresso is not zipping up as it should, please inform the store where you bought it from. They will be able to put in a warranty claim for you.
I just can't seem to get the extraction right. What do I do?The Picopresso is a speciality coffee brewer and can take a little practice to get a perfectly extracted espresso shot. We recommend heading to our Wacaco Support page and watching the video by Brodie Vissers titled 'Troubleshooting The Picopresso- how to get the best espresso'.
What accessories are available for the Picopresso?The 12g basket The Picopresso Stand A set of two protective sleeves
Does the Nanopresso heat up the water?No. The Nanopresso requires hot water to be added to the water tank before use.
Does the Nanopresso come with a protective case?Yes, the Nanopresso comes standard with a hard protective case which holds the Nanopresso without attachments. Medium sized hard protective cases are also available (sold separately) to accommodate the edition of the Nanopresso NS Adapter and a large sized hard protective case is available (sold separately)to accommodate the Nanopresso Barista Kit with large water tank.
Can I use capsules in the Nanopresso or just ground coffee?The Nanopresso was specifically designed to be used with ground coffee however, you can now purchase the Nanopresso NS adapter, which gives your Nanopresso the ability to extract beautiful coffee using Nespresso® capsules*. Alternatively, the new DG Kit can also be purchased separately to allow your Nanopresso to use Nescafé Dolce Gusto® capsules*. *Third-party brand with no link to Wacaco Company Limited.
Does the Nanopresso come with a 16g filter basket?The Nanopresso comes with an 8g filter basket. You can purchase a Nanopresso Barista Kit that will give you the option to use a 16g filter basket in the unit, along with a bigger water tank and accessories.
What colour options does the Nanopresso come in?The Nanopresso is currently available in Australia in original black and also the limited edition Elements range, which features Lava Red, Moss Green, Chill White and Arctic Blue. Some retailers may also have some discontinued designs available.
How can I clean and maintain my Nanopresso?Watch the video to find out more:
Does the Minipresso heat up the water?No. The Minipresso requires hot water to be added to the water tank before use.
Does the Minipresso range come with a hard case?The Minipresso comes standard with a soft carry case but a hard case can be purchased in addition, to offer further protection to your unit.
What are the differences of the Minipresso range?The Minipresso comes in four different variants- the GR, NS, NS2 and CA. The main differences are: -The Minipresso GR is designed to be used with ground coffee. -The Minipresso GR2 is the updated version of the original GR and is designed to be used with ground coffee. -The Minipresso NS is designed to only be used with the Nespresso®* capsules. -The Minipresso NS2 is the updated version of the original NS and is designed to only be used with Nespresso®* capsules. -The Minipresso CA is designed to be used with the Caffitaly System® , Tchibo Cafissimo® and Aldi Expressi® capsules*. *Third-party brands with no link to Wacaco Company Limited.
Can I purchase more filter baskets for the Minipresso GR?The Minipresso GR comes standard with one 8g filter basket. You can purchase a Minipresso Barista Kit, which comes with an additional three 8g filter baskets, with caps and also a larger capacity 120ml water tank. This also doubles as a storage container for your coffee baskets.
Can I use any type of capsules in the Minipresso NS?The Minipresso NS has been specifically designed to be used with Nespresso® compatible capsules only.
Does the Pipamoka heat up the water?No. The Pipamoka requires hot water to be added to the water chamber before use.
Does the Pipamoka require filter papers?No. The Pipamoka’s filter basket has a built in micro-filter mesh, so paper filters are not needed.
What coffee do I use in the Pipamoka?The Pipamoka is specifically designed to be used with ground coffee, which is placed into the provided filter basket. Coffee pods or capsules cannot be used in the Pipamoka.
How is the Pipamoka different from the Minipresso and Nanopresso?The Pipamoka is a vacuum sealed, portable, total immersion brewer; while the Minipresso and Nanopresso are portable espresso machines. The brew you get from a Pipamoka will be an excessively smooth longer coffee, or a strong short coffee. Whereas, you’ll get an authentic espresso from the Minipresso and Nanopresso, with a nice thick, golden crema.
Does the Pipamoka come with a protective case?The Pipmoka comes standard with a soft carry bag. Alternatively, a hard case can be purchased separately, to offer further protection to your unit.
I'm having trouble turning the ring on my Pipamoka. What am I doing wrong?Your coffee has been ground too fine. The Pipamoka requires coffee that is a medium/medium- course grind. Follow the link below to access a how-to video and also the Pipamoka user manual.
Does the Cuppamoka come with filters?Yes. Your Cuppamoka includes 10 disposable paper filters, made from natural wood fibres. Additional packs of Cuppamoka filters are available in packs of 100 pieces.
Can I use reusable filters in my Cuppamoka?Yes. You can use any reusable or paper filter in the Cuppamoka, as long as it's a compatible size. Most 1-2 cup "V" shaped filters will work.
How much coffee do I use in the Cuppamoka?20g of medium ground coffee or 2.5 scoops of ground coffee measured with the included scoop.
Why am I getting burned or scalded milk on the bottom of the FlowTip jug?Burned or scalded milk on the bottom of the FlowTip jug may indicate that you are heating the milk too fast. Due to the small size of the pot and the speed at which it can heat up, it's important to always heat up the milk slowly or on your stovetops lowest setting. This should only take about 2 minutes to warm up to 55-65°C. Avoid heating up a second batch of milk without cleaning in-between as that will be more prone to burning.
Can I use the FlowTip Jug on an induction cooktop?The FlowTip jug is compatible with induction stoves but many models need to detect a minimum pot size in order to turn on. The FlowTip jug has a bottom diameter of 83mm and may not be detected by all models. An induction diffuser may be needed if your cooktop does not detect the FlowTip Jug.
Can I use the FlowTip Jug on a gas cooktop?The Flowtip jug is compatible with gas stoves. Use it on the smallest setting and make sure the handle is not directly over the flame. Note that the black model will discolour a bit at the bottom if used directly on an open flame. Using a stovetop diffuser may help to prevent this.
Can I use the FlowTip Jug on an electric cooktop?Yes. Place the Flowtip offset from the center so the handle is not directly above the heat source. Be careful with the highly abrasive electric stoves such as the models with exposed coils or rough metal surfaces as they may scratch the black finish. If your electric stovetop is not the glass/ceramic type, we recommend selecting the stainless colour jug or using a stovetop diffuser.
Can I use the FlowTip Jug in the microwave?No! Both FlowTip Jugs are made out of stainless steel.
How do I clean the FlowTip Jug?The FlowTip Jug comes with a mini cleaning brush to help remove any milk residue at the bottom and can be washed in warm, soapy water. Avoid using abrasive scourer pads on the black FlowTip Jugs as this could leave scratches. For an easy clean, rinse jugs after each use and avoid leaving any milk sitting in the bottom of the jug.
Can the FlowTip Jug be washed in the dishwasher?Yes.
What is the volume of the jug?450ml.
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